What is UCDSG?

UCDSGs seek to inspire students to grow in their faith through the reading of Scripture and the development of spiritual disciplines in community. Groups meet for fellowship, accountability, encouragement, and to discuss and share what they have been reading throughout the week.

Why join an Upper Class DSG?

“I have loved the experience of being fed spiritually and being able to feed others too!”

“UCDSG challenges me to be spending more time in the Word and in prayer and loving others.”

“I really appreciate the space my UCDSG leader has created and I always look forward to our time together. My leader has been a great encouragement and I just see God’s heart shining through in her and her words. I want God’s heart to shine through in how I relate to others like she does.”

Students join UCDSG to be challenged and grow in their faith.

Meet the UCDSG Team

  • Kyla Kobylak

    UCDSG Coordinator


  • Carissa King

    Grad Staff



  • All sophomores, juniors, and seniors are welcome to join. Whether you live a dorm, apartment, house, or off-campus, we would love to have you!

  • Groups meet once a week for approximately 90 minutes.

  • Groups can be either single- or mixed- gendered. Members also have the opportunity to request being in a group with other friends who join UC.