What is a Discipleship Small Group?

DSGs strive to cultivate lifelong followers of Jesus Christ through the prayer-filled reading of God’s Word in life-giving community. The main priorities of DSG are to engage with Scripture, apply the Gospel, pray with one another, listen in love, confess sin, celebrate kingdom diversity, and meet consistently. Groups are dorm-based (Smith-Traber and Fischer) and are mostly made up of first years and sophomores.

Why join a Discipleship Small Group?

“There has been a lot times this year that have been very hard, and where I feel that I am questioning God. This DSG has helped me stay on track and has allowed me to grow in my faith.”

“Being in a DSG has helped me form genuine relationships on my floor based on a common faith in God. It has given me an opportunity to pray for the hardships in others’ lives and encouraged them. DSG is another place where I can grow closer to God in the presence of other believers.”

“DSG made me realize the importance of communal faith. Christianity isn’t only practiced privately.”

Hundreds of students join DSGs as a way to grow in their love of God and people.

Meet the DSG Team

  • Hailey Pitcher

    Female DSG Director


  • Carter Conrady

    Male DSG Director


  • Mel Cooper

    Female DSG Coordinator


  • Luke Abraham

    Male DSG Coordinator


  • Evan Young

    Grad Staff


  • Caroline Capuano

    Grad Staff



  • DSG is for everyone interested in pursuing spiritual growth and fellowship with peers.

  • Participant: Participants attend one weekly DSG meeting for 60 minutes.

    Leader: Leaders lead one weekly 60-minute small group of Participants, and attend one weekly 90-minute small group led by a Coach. Leaders also attend DM Gathering right before the beginning of the school year and attend Leader training once a semester. Overall, Leading is roughly a 3-5 hour weekly time commitment as you get to plan curriculum, get one-on-one meals with participants, and attend the weekly small groups.

    Coaches: Coaches lead one weekly 90-minute small group of Leaders, and attend one weekly 90-minute small group led by a Grad Staff or Faculty member. Coaches also attend DM Gathering right before the beginning of the school year and attend Coach training once a quad. Overall, coaching is roughly a 5-8 hour weekly time commitment as you get one-on-one meals with leaders, tailor the curriculum for your group with your co-leader, and attend the weekly small groups.

  • Leaders have the unique opportunity to co-lead a group in which you grow in fellowship with the first-year students and walk with them through life, while also being supported and encouraged by a Coach in a group of other Leaders. Leaders lead one weekly 60-minute small group of participants and attend one weekly 90-minute small group led by a Coach.

  • Coaches have the incredible opportunity to lead a group in which you grow in fellowship with the Leaders and walk with them through life, while also being supported and encouraged by Grad Staff or a Faculty member in a group of other Coaches. Coaches lead one weekly 90-minute small group of Leaders and attend one weekly 90-minute small group led by a Grad Staff or Faculty member.

  • While each DSG group will be different, the goal is for group members to get to know each other on a deeper level through prayer and engagement with scripture. Meeting once a week allows for accountability and mentorship with other group members and the group leader. Each group meeting will include conversation, prayer and scripture engagement and encouragement.

  • A Grad Staff member or Faculty member leads one 90-minute weekly small group of Coaches and Leaders. Each Coach leads one group of participants weekly, while Leaders co-lead a group of participants weekly. Participant groups are building-based. Grad Staff schedules one-on-one meetings with Coaches, and occasional one-on-ones with Leaders. Coaches will check in one-on-one with their participants and Leaders.

  • A Grad Staff member or Faculty member leads one 90-minute weekly small group of Coaches and Leaders. Each Coach leads one group of participants weekly, while Leaders co-lead a group of participants weekly. Participant and Leader groups are floor-based. Grad Staff schedules one-on-one meetings with Coaches, and occasional one-on-ones with Leaders. Coaches will check in one-on-one with their participants and Leaders.