What is Female Strongholds?

Female Strongholds is a safe community dedicated to supporting one another as we grow in our understanding and practice of Christ-centered sexuality. It is our hope for each participant to break free from shame and sin patterns by engaging in vulnerability, confession, and prayer, so as to flourish in stewarding our sexuality. 

Why join a Female Strongholds?

“I originally joined Strongholds my freshman year when I was wanting to learn what a Christ-centered relationship looked like. I was not expecting to experience healing from my past, engage in topics that the church does not typically address and grow alongside other women as we walked towards wholeness. I have met so many amazing women through this ministry and have encountered God in new ways.”

“Strongholds is one of the most honest, supportive and freeing communities I have ever experienced. I used to be very ashamed of my past and scared to be honest about my story. Joining Strongholds allowed me to bring things I had been struggling with into the light for the first time and experience God’s love through a group of amazing women.”

Students join Strongholds to walk alongside others as they seek a biblical sexuality. 

Meet the Female SH Team

  • Ashley Christopher

    Female SH Director


  • Ruthie Rendall

    Female SH Coordinator


  • Kedisha Kelly

    Ministry Associate for Spiritual Formation



  • Groups are open to all female undergrad students, first year through final year.

  • No! Whether you have never struggled or always struggled, a Strongholds group can be incredibly beneficial. Women with a variety of different stories join Strongholds each year to support and encourage one another in their journey. Groups focus on building close, spiritual friendships and pursuing positive, Christlike sexuality - this is great for anyone!

  • Groups focus on building close, spiritual friendships and pursuing Biblical sexuality. Groups meet once a week for 90 minutes. In a group meeting, members often share about their weeks, rejoicing in what went well and confessing what did not. There is a time of learning and discussion facilitated by leaders to build each other up in their journey. Members share prayer requests and pray for each other in the group setting. Finally, groups often enjoy time together outside of official meetings.

  • Groups meet once a week for about 90 minutes.